Integrate SAS with Python

SAS integrates with Python through various code libraries and tools that allow open source developers to unite the Python language with the analytic power of SAS. Which package to use depends on your role, goal, system environment and so on.

These libraries allows you to:

  • Load, import and profile data using an integrated development environment (IDE) or REST APIs.
  • Cleanse, prepare and transform your data.
  • Use functions to manage and provide governance for data assets and their relationships.
Python Image

Python SAS Scripting Wrapper for Analytics Transfer (SWAT)

The SAS SWAT package allows users to execute CAS actions and process the results all from Python. Load and analyze data sets, execute workflows and actions, and use many Pandas features.


The SASPy package provides interfaces between Python and SAS. This package enables a Python developer to create mixed Python/SAS workflows to leverage the powers of both SAS and Python.

Python sasctl

A user-friendly REST client for SAS Viya. The sasctl package is a SAS Viya REST client that enables easy communication between the SAS Viya platform and a Python runtime. It facilitates full model management lifecycle (build, register, publish, score)

SAS Viya Deep Learning API for Python (DLPy)

DLPy is a high-level Python library for the SAS Deep learning features available in SAS Viya. DLPy is designed to provide an efficient way to apply deep learning methods to image, text, and audio data.

Python tools for SAS Viya (pyviyatools)

The pyviyatools are a set of SAS Viya command-line (CLI) tools that call the SAS Viya REST APIs from Python.

SAS Optimization Python Interface (sasoptpy)

The sasoptpy package enables developers to quickly formulate and solve mathematical optimization problems by using native Python data structures.

SAS Viya Computer Vision API for Python (CVPy)

SAS Viya Computer Vision API for Python (CVPy) is a Python package that makes SAS image analytics accessible to Python users by providing APIs to assist with the processing, analyzing, and visualization of images.

Python Integration to SAS® Viya® - Executing SQL on Snowflake

Welcome to the continuation of my series Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya. Given the exciting developments around SAS & Snowflake, I'm eager to demonstrate how to effortlessly connect Snowflake to the massively parallel processing CAS server in SAS Viya with the Python SWAT package. If you're interested [...]

Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya for Predictive Modeling - Comparing Logistic Regression and Decision Tree

Comparing Logistic Regression and Decision Tree - Which of our models is better at predicting our outcome? Learn how to compare models using misclassification, area under the curve (ROC) charts, and lift charts with validation data. In part 6 and part 7 of this series we fit a logistic regression [...]

Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya for Predictive Modeling - Fitting a Logistic Regression

Learn how to fit a logistic regression and use your model to score new data. In part 4 of this series, we created and saved our modeling data set with all our updates from imputing missing values and assigning rows to training and validation data. Now we will use this [...]

Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya for Predictive Modeling - Fitting a Linear Regression

Learn how to fit a linear regression and use your model to score new data. In part 4 of this series, we created our modeling dataset by including a column to identify the rows to be used for training and validating our model. Here, we will create our first model [...]